Friday, December 27, 2019

The Coolest English Writing Class Ever - 530 Words

English courses are never easy. They are challenging and intimidating. When students think about having to take an English course, they dread it. They think of all the long essays that will come, and the precise grading of grammar and paragraph form. It’s a familiar feeling for all students, yet this class somehow proved me wrong. This class has taught me so much about English and has made me enjoy writing. Who would have thought? In the first module of this course, we learned about the rhetoric choices. It amazed me that although all essays and forms of writing are different, every writer asks themselves these rhetoric questions in preparing for their writing. The rhetoric choices we all must consider when writing are: genre, audience, purpose, media and design, and voice. Rhetoric choices seem so simple, yet there a mist for good writing. Who are we writing to? What point do we want to get across? How do we want to sound to our audience? These choices came in handy when writing our personal narratives. A personal narrative is exactly what it sounds like: a story about a personal experience. Not only did it give me a new perspective, but it gave me a great new way to brainstorm my ideas. The second module got even more interesting. This course took us down the exciting road of expository writing. During our discussions, we got to write our own film reviews. You think it would be easy to critique a film, but it’s not. It takes a lot of thought, because you have to tell theShow MoreRelatedReading And Reading : My Relationship With Literature1058 Words   |  5 Pagesyoung age, so by the time I was in kindergarten I was ahead of a lot of the other kids, reading at almost a second-grade level. Since I was ahead of them, I could go to the chapter books section of our school’s library. This was the area most of my class wished they could go to. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Differences in Emotional Expression Between Genders...

Combined research shows men and women vary little in experiencing emotion but contrast greatly in the expression of emotion. Psychologists have studied the reasons behind the differences through the years and there are still many unanswered questions but there are several well-accepted possible causes and combination of causes. Neuro science and the brain makeup is the first area of proven differences. Medical researchers have been aware for a long time that the male and female brain is different in size. In 2001, researchers from Harvard found certain parts of the brain were differently sized in males and females; this may answer some of the questions about the difference in the male and female brain in regards to development and†¦show more content†¦Women use both the left and the right sides of their brains for emotions. This seems to be yet another reason it is much easier for women to express their emotions (princess-ami). Another area of the brain, which is different in men and women, is the Hypothalamus within the brain. The Hypothalamus is separated into two parts. The larger and most distinct portion of the hypothalamus is the preoptic area. This area is directly related to mating and sexual desires. The male preoptic area is 2.2 times larger and has twice as much cell density then females. The difference in the preoptic only becomes apparent after the age of four (Cahill, 2005). Researchers and testing has proven over time, that some cognitive abilities between males and females change throughout infancy and adolescents. Girls generally perform and use their verbal skills much earlier than boys. Women do much better on exams such as SAT’s in the verbal areas where men excel in the mathematical arena. This finding in itself may seem to solidify the fact of biological makeup. If that is the case, then why do girls perform equally as proficient in the area of math until they reach their â€Å"tween† and teenage years, which is generally between 6th and 7th grade? At this point, there seems to be a decline in the female’s performance in the area of math. Even with theShow MoreRelatedFactors That Influence Emotional Expression1619 Words   |  7 Pagesemotions. There are three different factors that influence emotional expression. These influences include your culture, one s display roles, and your gender. Although these three influences are found to be some of the most important, there are multiple others like one s personality, their social conventions, their fear of self-disclosure, and even emotional contagion. All these factors come together to influence a person s emotional expression. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Easter Rising and Ideal World free essay sample

Later in life his preoccupation shifted and his work dealt with his obsession with immortality and the passing of time, until he eventually came to accept the inevitability of death. This is conveyed through ‘Sailing to Byzantium’. The transitional years 1909-1914 were explored by Yeats in the anthology by ‘Sept 1913’. In this poem Yeats expressed his outrage at the middle class Catholic society, whom he felt were what was wrong with the way of life at the time. In a daring move he decided to deal with a political issue of that time that he felt so strongly about. He chastises the people for ruining the world that the great past heroes had fought so hard for. His sarcastic tone in the opening stanza works well. He portrays his disgust at their actions ‘But fumble in a greasy till and add the half pence to the pence, and prayer to shivering prayer, for men were born to pray and save’. He condemns these people for their actions. Not truly believing in what they do, but praying for the sake of it to save their souls in the next life. I completely agree with this assessment as I feel hypocrisy is the most unflattering of traits. Romantic Ireland’s dead and gone’ is a lament for the patriots of old, who heroically fought for a better life. His anger is palpable at these miserly middle-class catholics who are undoing all of the past work. Yeats wonders now was their struggle meaningless ‘And what God help us could they save? ’ for tis eems to have been futiles. I feel he was right to ‘Let them be’ for if they say today, how the world has turned out, they would realise that their lives ‘they weighed so lightly what they gave’ were wasted on a generation void of any sense of patriotism or nationalism. After that yeats’s poetry became less musical and romantic, and more realistic, the tensions of the real world over-ruling his ideal fantasies. His work became more realistic and blunt, and above all, more in tune with modern reality. The Easter Rising of 1916 marked a change in his work and a change in his own beliefs. The political events of 1916 created turmoil in the poet’s life and ultimately posed acute personal dilemmas for him. On the one hand his patriotism and nationalism surged with pride to see a revival of the old ways he’d thought were long dead. Yet he began to realise that these dreams of this ‘ideal world’ were coming at too great a cost. The opening of ‘E1916’ retains some of the resentment he felt for the people in ‘S1913’. He saw the people as unworthy of his time, nothing more than the butt of his ‘mocking tale or jibe’. They resided where ‘motely was worn’, of no great worth or interest to him. Then there is a stark contrast to the poet and Yeats began to see them in a different light. ‘All changed, changed utterly. A terrible beauty is born’. He comes to realise that the heroes he spoke of in ‘S1913’ are not ‘with O’Leary in the grave’ but alive an active. They ‘resigned their role in the casual comedy’ and took up arms again in the name of patriotism. The ‘every moving stream’ is representative of the modern world, forever changing and moving on. The ‘enchanted stone’ is indicative of these patriots who stand still in this ever changing world of flux. Their ideas remain firmly in the past, yet the world moves on at a great speed. Yeats wonders if the old ideas hav ea place in this new world, reality beginning to set in. He realises that patriotism is not as glorious as he thought, it ‘makes a stone of the heart’ and that perhaps the price you pay is inordinately high. There is too much life lost, always the young and impressionable who suffer. By the end Yeats re-evaluates his faith in patriotism and nationalism, seeing it comes at much too high a cost, the real world over-rules his imaginary, ideal world. The poem ‘Stares nest by my window’ portrays Yeats new found outlook on life, and he recounts his friends who’ve given so much in the name of patriotism. He portrays poignantly how war and patriotism can make men behave in brutal, barbaric ways. No more thought is given for human life ‘as they trundled down the road, the dead young soldier in his blood’. No empathy or thought is spared to the innocent victims of their fight in the name of nationalism. What is it to them ‘ a house burns, a man dead’. It has no real significance in their greater scheme. In this poem Yeats conveyed brilliantly the corrosive effects of fanaticism of the human soul. How it can rid a man of all sense of morality and what’s fair and just. He also shows how his ‘loosening masonry’ holds no protection for his anymore, that all people are susceptible to its effects. It’s clear from this series of poems that there is a real source of tension for Yeats between the real world and his initial ideal world and romanticised view or patriotism. Much later in life, Yeats’s preoccupation with the ageing body came forth, as he desperately sought for ways to immortalise himself and out do the passing of time. He most poignantly portrayed this is ‘Sailing to Byzantium. ’ The title indicates Yeats’s desire – a voyage to perfection. He condemned the modern people who were too self-obsessed in today, without sparing a thought for tomorrow it was all about the here and now, the ‘sensual music’. The natural world was alive and flourishing ‘the salmon falls, the mackerel crowded seas’. Living for the now, reproducing ‘fish, flesh or fowl’ they commended the flesh. No one spared a thought for what was to come after. The sound of the bird is a mocking jibe to the old man whose physically waning body can no longer keep up. Yeats despised his ageing self, his inability to perform as he once did. He desperately seeks to immortalise himself in some form, to out live the body. His reference to the human being as a ‘paltry thing’ becomes more degrading and insulting, to a ‘tattered coat upon a stick’ to finally a ‘dying animal’. He has no longer any time for nature. It’s then that Yeats discovers a way to preserve himself – in the form of art. Its timeless quality greatly appeals to him and he feels ‘there is no singing school to study monuments of its own magnificence’. He feels he has found a way at last to remain, even if his bodily form is gone. He will capture himself in a world of art ‘not out of nature, but such as the Greeks make with godl hammering and enamelling’. The golden bird acts as the antithesis to the ‘dying animal’. This idea really impressed upon me the importance and significance of great works of art. It shows that the body may go on, but the soul resides long after wrapped in this resilient and everlasting masterpiece. Yeats’ detest for the reality of life, the harsh truth of the real world contends ataisnt this new ideal world he creates. I personally know which I prefer. Overall it’s clear to say that Yeats’s poetry is driven by a tension between the real world in which he lives and an ideal world that he imagines. He portrays his thoughts poignantly and evocatively, immensely personal and moving. His thematic focus if very interesting, capturing the readers’ attention and forcing you to consider concepts and ideas you never ordinarily would. His request and desire to remain remembered is one we can all empathise with ‘O let me be Lear, Timon, or that William Blake’. These are men who gained true insight in madness, a prophet who will be remembered for centuries to come for his great mind. He wants his ideas to ‘pierce the clouds’, be forceful and powerful and inspirational. It’s a dream all of us secretly crave and he captured it magically through a tension created by the confines of reality and his own imaginary genius.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Essay Example

Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Essay I think that Stevenson wants the reader to feel that Jekyll gets what he deserves for releasing Hyde. Although I think that this is his overall intention, he gives Jekylls own justification for it, which dampens the blame from him slightly. However, the justification, when looked at more deeply, conveys another message from Stevenson, that Jekyll knows what he is doing and therefore commits a crime in releasing Hyde. Stevenson shows his feelings about Hyde and about Jekylls guilt by lavishing Hyde with horrible descriptions. These fall into four main categories, the darkness, the evil, the animal, and peoples reaction to Hyde. Firstly, whenever Hyde appears, it is always night or twilight showing that there is something dark and mysterious about him. Hydes eyes have a blackness in them which terrifies people. There are several references to fire and hell, suggesting that Hyde is a daemon, that has been released from hell. He is actually called, the child of hell meaning he is pure evil. Also, the fires can be interpreted as trying to ward off evil spirits, such as Hyde. Hydes soul is described as foul, and his character callous and violent. He is described as having Satans signature upon him, as if he has been made by the devil and sent up from hell. Hyde is also frequently compared to an animal. When people talk to Hyde he is savage like a wild animal and has a habit of hissing like a serpent. He is often replaced with it, suggesting that Hyde is an animal. Several times Hyde is actually referred to as the creature and his fury being ape-like. There is something primitive about him, something troglodytic. We will write a custom essay sample on Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In even greater amounts, perhaps, are the reactions that people have when they come face to face with Hyde, and even from a distance. Every single person that has met him feels loathing and fear, and in some cases, a desire to kill, most people feel a simple hatred of him, yet none of them know why. The extent of this feeling is described as hitherto unknown disgust- absolutely appalling revulsion to him. There is something about Hyde that is not visible, that makes people react like this, described as the radiance of a foul soul. Many people search for a deformity in Hyde that is making them feel this way but fail to find it. Hyde has this aura of repulsion around him that makes any decent person draw back from him. When he touches Lanyons arm. Lanyon feels an icy pang that goes up his spine. Obviously, this is the height of Hydes effect, that when you touch him you shiver with discomfort. Perhaps the most startling aspect of Hyde is that when Jekyll showed Lanyon that he is, in fact, Hyde, Lanyon is so sickened by the thought of it that he becomes ill and dies in a few weeks. This shows absolutely that Jekyll does a terrible thing in unleashing Hyde, and actually telling somebody caused them to die, and Lanyon is one of Jekylls closest friends. These images are put into the story frequently, and the effect of this is to make the reader feel that Jekyll has released a being so foul that he deserves whatever punishment he got. And still Stevenson piles it on. He goes into horrific detail about Hyde brutally murdering Sir Danvers Carew, this is clear evidence that he wishes us to feel that Jekyll is to blame for his own experiments. Stevensons description of the murder is really over the top, it starts off with Hyde having an ill-contained impatience. Sir Danvers Carew is merely inquiring his way to Hyde when he broke out with a great flame of anger. Sir Danvers Carew is surprised by Hydes reaction and took a step back. At that moment though, Hyde snapped, he broke all bounds and starts trampling on him. With his stick he is hailing down a storm of blows, and Sir Danvers Carews bones are audibly shattered. Hyde then runs away, leaving the body incredibly mangled in the middle of the road. Hyde makes no attempt to conceal it, and the horrific details of the murder can only mean the Stevenson wishes us to judge Jekyll as responsible for such a crime. Even there Stevenson does not stop putting on more and more emphasis on the utterly diabolical nature of Hyde. In Dr Jekylls full statement of the case, he states that Hyde gets delight from every blow and runs away, gloating over his crime. Jekyll uses the word I, which is another of Stevensons ways of showing that he wishes us to think that Jekyll is directly responsible. In Jekylls justification of his actions, he mentions that he enjoyed the freedom that Hyde gave him. He fulfilled his pleasures (which are unspecified), and soon the pleasures turned from undignified to monstrous. When Jekyll remembered what he had done whilst in Hydes body he is aghast at himself. He refers to Hyde as me therefore showing that he is responsible because he did it. Jekyll became careless, and thought that nobody would trace him under his impenetrable mantle. Jekyll also tries to cover up Hydes activities by giving to charities and balancing it out. These two statements suggest that Jekyll knew that he is responsible because he is thinking about the possibility of him being caught. Jekyll also felt pity for Hyde, suggesting that he is not at all innocent. Jekyll pays for his crimes heavily though, and this is one of the very few times in the story when Stevenson releases Jekyll from the blame. Jekyll is put to considerable expense to pay for Hydes actions. Not to mention the fact that he loses one of his closest friends by telling him and ends up committing suicide to pay for it. But I think that Stevenson wishes us to view even these with severity; firstly, Jekyll taunts Lanyon by bribing him with, power and knowledge, in such a way that Lanyon cannot have refused to know what Hydes secret is. On telling Lanyon, Lanyon dies. Jekyll wants to tell him about his experiments, he wanted to show off, and he insults Lanyon by referring to himself as his superior. Jekyll obviously enjoys being Hyde, because he suffers a horrible pain when he transforms into him, and would not bother to do it if he wanted to. Sometimes, Jekyll has to triple the dosage in order to transform, something that he wouldnt do unless he is willing to risk his life to transform. In conclusion, I think that judging from the amount of description that has been put into the Hyde, and the number of references to his joy at being evil, that it is fair to say that Stevenson wishes us to feel that Jekyll is to blame for his experiments and that he pays the price for it with his death.