Sunday, February 23, 2020

A Child's Drawing Expresses Their Psychological Ability and Feelings Essay

A Child's Drawing Expresses Their Psychological Ability and Feelings - Essay Example Talking does not offer a comprehensive medium of expression. According to Golomb (pp. 42), a child’s hidden feelings can only be expressed by art, specifically drawings. Be it small or a large drawing so much can be said from the piece of art. Other than career and professional drawings, drawings have been used to detect the feeling in most children who undergo psychological problems. In some instances drawings as an art has been used as anger management tool. This is an indication on how important art is in managing of human emotion. In an argument by Herne, Cox & Watts (pp. 115), a child’s drawings expresses about 75% of their internal feelings both emotional and psychological. In interpreting the drawings psychologists consider color, size, location of characters, characters, page location, font and shading type and the facial expression of child when drawing an image or character. Apart from the expression of feelings, drawings at different ages in children denote t heir psychological growth. From scribbling to real images and drawings is one notable feature in child development when drawings are concerned. It is this fact that has enabled me to come up with the theory that â€Å"a child’s drawing expresses their psychological ability and feelings†. This paper will focus on how drawings show a child psychological growth and interpretation... This stage is known as fortuitous realism. At this stage a child understands scribbling as the best work of art they can achieve. However, as much as scribbling can be seen as insignificant, the way scribbling is done by a child can tell more about their emotion and psychology. Some children may scribble dark scribbles while at times scribble gentler and light scribbles. According to the American Counseling Association (pp. 34) this may denote anger or frustration and also satisfaction and happiness respectively. The second stage occurs between the ages of 4 – 7. This stage is known as preschematic stage. This stage is categorized into two stages of development. The stages are failed and intellectual realism. In the failed realism a child draws elements that are completely unrelated from the real image of the element. Intellectual realism is when a child draws an element from their knowledge. For instance, a child may draw a cup since the image is in their brain. The third sta ge of development is the schematic stage. The stage comes up between the ages of 8 – 9. In this stage a child draws what they see. The element shows the features of the real image. This is aimed at transferring their visual sense to the mental sense then the interpretation follows. It is also noted that this point kids differ from the accuracy of their drawings. At this point is where the visual and interpretation abilities of children are noted. Different children have different visual and interpretation prowess. This indicates that the psychology of children differs depending on their mental abilities. The three stages show that drawings effectively indicate the psychological growth and strength of children.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Explain the difference between an open economy and a closed economy Essay

Explain the difference between an open economy and a closed economy - Essay Example However, opponents believe that more openness leads to loss of jobs, dumping, interdependence among nations, and economic sanctions among others.2 A closed economy on the other hand, is accused of hindering technology transfer and foreign investments although it is appropriate in ensuring protection of local industries. The paper will discuss the numerous differences between a closed and open economy as well as the advantages and disadvantages a country would have by using either of the economic models. Differences between Closed and Open Economies There are numerous distinctions between a closed and open economy. A closed economy is one in which trade is carried out within the borders of a nation or domestically hence the gross domestic product (GDP) is the same as gross national product (GNP). An open economy on the other hand, is one in which trade is carried out within and outside the borders hence the GDP and GNP are not equal but depend on volume of imports and exports.3 An ope n economy is achieved by eliminating the barriers to trade such as tariffs and import quotas. However, most open economies have put some trade barriers so as to protect crucial industries from competition in the world market or to protect consumers against harmful products and also to protect the environment from pollution.4 It can be noted therefore that there is no perfectly closed or perfectly open economy as each has an element of closeness and openness. A closed economy does not allow movement of labour across borders unlike open economy where workers are free to work anywhere in the world. Another distinction is that a closed economy does not allow movement of capital across borders hence investments are domestic in nature and foreign exchange rates do not impact on the economy unlike in an open economy where there is movement of capital across borders. Businessmen can therefore invest in foreign stocks and money markets thus the economy is affected by exchange rates.5 Accordi ng to Jane, sometimes open economies can act as closed economies.6 This is especially so if few members with open economies act as a tightly integrated economic bloc and only trade with each other thus becoming a collectively closed economy. On the other hand, a country cannot produce all the goods and services it requires hence it is forced to import some products. Open economies are characterized with large multinational corporations like starbucks with braches all over the world and this is not the case in closed economies. Advantages and Disadvantages of Closed Economy A closed economy does not have any dealings in the global market therefore is not affected by factors outside the country. For example, the global financial crisis that started in the US spread to all parts of the world due to interrelatedness of product and financial markets. The developed countries are known to impose economic sanctions on developing countries as a condition for giving them funds for development . These sanctions impact negatively on the economy but a closed economy cannot be under such sanctions since it is self reliant.7 Another advantage is the effectiveness of fiscal and monetary policy in the economy. An expansionary fiscal policy is meant to stimulate the economy during recession by raising aggregate demand. This is